hall of fame

SearchGuard Blog McAfee 02
Hall of Fame: John McAfee
Jochen Kressin || 2024-04-03
John McAfee: The Enigmatic Trailblazer and Controversial Tech Pioneer
SearchGuard Blogheader LinusTorvalds
Hall of Fame: Linus Torvalds
Jochen Kressin || 2024-02-07
Linus Torvalds: Architect of Open Source Revolution
SearchGuard Blog WauHolland 450px
Hall of Fame: Wau Holland
Jochen Kressin || 2024-02-01
Wau Holland: Pioneering the Ethical Frontier of Hacking and Digital Activism
Vint Cerf
Hall of Fame: Vinton Cerf
Jochen Kressin || 2023-11-09
Vinton Cerf, commonly known as "Vint," is a pioneering computer scientist and one of the most influential figures in the development of the modern Internet.
Melba Roy Mouton
Hall of Fame: Melba Roy Mouton
Jochen Kressin || 2023-09-15
Melba Roy Mouton: A Pioneering Mathematician Who Shaped the Space Age
Ada Lovelace
Hall of Fame: Ada Lovelace
Jochen Kressin || 2023-08-31
Ada Lovelace is widely considered to be the world's first computer programmer. Her work on Charles Babbage's analytical engine laid the foundation for modern computing, and her insights into the potential of computers were decades ahead of her ti ...
Konrad Zuse
Hall of Fame: Konrad Zuse
Jochen Kressin || 2023-07-19
Konrad Zuse: The Father of the Computer and the Mad Scientist of the Machine Age
Hall of Fame: Barnaby Jack
Jochen Kressin || 2023-05-29
Barnaby Jack: Hacking the World One ATM at a Time, with Style!
Karl Koch
Hall of Fame: Karl Koch
Jochen Kressin || 2023-05-17
Karl Kochs legacy as a member of the legendary Chaos Computer Club and his involvement in a series of high-profile hacking incidents continue to inspire and intrigue people all around the world
Kevin Mitnick
Hall of Fame: Kevin Mitnick
Jochen Kressin || 2023-04-25
We present the "Hall of Fame," an article series highlighting the industry's most important and controversial figures
Captain Crunch
Hall of Fame: Captain Crunch
Jochen Kressin || 2023-04-11
John Draper, also known as "Captain Crunch," was a legendary figure in the world of phone phreaking and computer hacking in the 1970s and 80s
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