Hall of Fame: Kevin Mitnick
By Jochen Kressin
Kevin Mitnick is one of the most famous hackers of all time, and his legacy lives on to this day. He's a master of social engineering, a technical genius, and a true prankster at heart. He's the hacker that everyone loves to hate, but also the one they secretly admire. In this article, we'll delve into the life and times of Kevin Mitnick and explore why he's the king of hacking and the court jester of cyberspace.
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A man who is said to be able to launch a nuclear war by whistling on the phone.
Kevin was born on August 6, 1963, in Los Angeles, California. He grew up in a world that was just starting to embrace technology, and he was fascinated by it from a young age. As a child, he was always tinkering with phones and radios, and he soon discovered that he had a talent for manipulating technology to do his bidding.
At the age of 12, Kevin discovered the joys of phreaking, which is the practice of using technology to make free phone calls. He would often call his friends from payphones and make the calls appear to be coming from well-known figures such as the President of the United States or the Pope. Mitnick was a prankster, and with help of a radio, he managed to hack into McDrive telecommunication, which he used to prank the workers. This was just the beginning of his journey in the world of hacking.
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Kevin was part of a group of hackers known as the "Mod Squad." They would break into computer systems for fun and bragging rights, and they soon gained a reputation as the most skilled hackers in the world. However, Kevin soon realized that he could use his skills for more malicious purposes. He began stealing software and selling it on the black market. This led to his first arrest in 1988, but he was released on probation.
Kevin's next big exploit was in 1992, when he hacked into the computer systems of Pacific Bell. He was able to intercept and listen to the conversations of FBI agents who were investigating him, and he also obtained sensitive information about the FBI's computer systems. This made him the FBI's most wanted hacker, and they launched a nationwide manhunt to find him.
He obtained the private numbers of the FBI agents searching for him, and wrote a script that informed him whenever one of the numbers was in proximity. That way he figured out there was an FBI agent among his coworkers, which made him take all of his electronic devices from home to a secure place. Instead, he left a dozen of doughnuts in the corporate kitchen with a sticky note "FBI doughnuts".
After being on the run for two and a half years, Kevin was finally caught in February 1995. He was sentenced to five years in prison, but he only served four and a half years due to good behavior. During his time in prison, Kevin became interested in computer security and decided to use his skills for good.
After his release from prison, Kevin became a security consultant and started giving lectures on computer security. He has since become one of the world's leading experts on the subject, and has advised companies and governments on how to improve their security systems. He's also written several books on the subject, including "The Art of Intrusion" and "The Art of Deception."
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Kevin Mitnick is called the "King of Social Engineering."
But why is Kevin so special? What sets him apart from other hackers? Well, for starters, he's the king of social engineering). He was able to obtain sensitive information from companies and individuals by simply tricking them into giving it to him. He would often impersonate a trusted authority figure, such as a computer repairman, and gain access to restricted areas. This is why Kevin is often referred to as the "King of Social Engineering." He also used dumpster diving, which means sifting through garbage to recover information about the habits, activities, and interactions of organizations and individuals.
In conclusion, Kevin Mitnick is a true legend in the world of hacking. He is a master of social engineering, a technical expert, and a true hacker at heart. He has inspired countless others to pursue a career in computer security and has helped make the world a safer place. So the next time you hear the name Kevin Mitnick, remember the man who played the game.

Image: "Kevin Mitnick ex hacker y ahora famoso consultor en redes en Campus Party México 2010" by "Campus Party México" licensed under CC BY 2.0
Published: 2023-04-25
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