Document- and field-level security with Search Guard

Document- and field-level security with Search Guard
By Jochen Kressin
Document- and field-level security gives you very fine-grained control over which documents and fields a certain user is allowed to see.
Document-level security (DLS) means filtering out complete documents of a search result based on the role of the user. Field-level security (FLS) means filtering out fields from documents based on the role of the user.


Let’s assume we have an index called humanresources_, which contains sensitive information about employees, including their actual salary. A document in this index might look like this:
{ "_type" : "employee", "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe", "age" : 45, "department": "Management", "salary": 120000 }
We want to be able to restrict access to these documents, based on the role of the user. Let’s assume we have the following roles:
We want to configure the following permissions:
    The role headofhr is able to see all documents, and all field
    The role hremployee_ is able to see only documents of employees that do no have a management position
    the role hrtrainee can also see only non-management documents, but only the field firstnamelastname and department_.
In order to do so, we can use document-level security for filtering out documents based on a certain criterion, and field-level-security for defining the visible fields.
Both settings are applied per-role and per-index, and are configured in sgroles.yml. We start by setting up the three roles, and initially allow complete access to the index humanresources:
head_of_hr: indices: 'human_resources': '*': - '*' hr_employee: indices: 'human_resources': '*': - '*' hr_trainee: indices: 'human_resources': '*': - '*'

Document-level security

Now we want to filter out all documents where the department field is Management, and we want to do so for the hremployeeand the hrtrainee role.
Document-level security works by simply specifying a regular Elasticsearch query, using the query DSL. Only documents that match this query are included in the search result. We use a Bool query with a must_not clause for this (more on Bool queries can be found in the Elasticsearch docs).
{ "query": { "bool": { "must_not": { "match": { "department": "Management" }} } } }
We now can use this exact query for configuring the document-level security setting of Search Guard:
hr_employee: indices: 'human_resources': '*': - '*' _dls_: '{"query": { "bool": { "must_not": { "match": { "department": "Management"  }}}}}'
Note that the dls parameter is on the same level as humanresources, so it applies for this index only. Whenever a user with role hremployee tries to access documents, the specified dls-query is executed and the results filtered accordingly.
For Search Guard 5, please remove the leading  “query” key from the DSL query:
_dls_: '{ "bool": { "must_not": { "match": { "department": "Management"  }}}}'
DLS and FLS are applied on Lucene-level, not Elasticsearch-level. This means that the final documents handed from Lucene to Elasticsearch are already filtered according to the DLS and FLS settings for added security. 

Field-level security

Field-level security is even simpler. You just need to specify which fields the document should contain, a.k.a. white-list these fields. FLS is configured on the same level as DLS. In our example, we want to limit the access of the hrtrainee role also to non-management documents, but only the fields firstnamelastname and department_ should be visible. The settings look like this:
hr_trainee: indices: 'human_resources': '*': - '*' _dls_: '{"query": { "bool": { "must_not": { "match": { "department": "Management"  }}}}}' _fls_: - 'first_name' - 'last_name' - 'department'

Advanced: Username substitution in DLS queries

Sometimes it is handy to use the authenticated users username in DLS queries. This is also possible with Search Guard, by using the variable {}. You can use it in any part of the DLS query, and also multiple times if needed. What can you do with that?
Let’s extend our scenario a little bit. Let’s say our employee documents have an additional field owner, which contains the username of the employee:
{ "_type" : "employee", "owner": "jdoe", "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe", "age" : 45, "department": "Management", "salary": 120000 }
Every employee should be able to see his/her own document in the index. Given that the owner field contains the username that was used to authenticate against Search Guard, we can use this DLS query for the employee role:
employee: indices: 'human_resources': '*': - '*' _dls_: '{"term" : {"owner" : "${}"}}'


Document- and field-level security can be used to implement very fine-grained control over which documents and fields a particular role can see. By defining a regular query using the Elasticsearch query DLS, you can filter documents on a per-index and per-role basis. By defining FLS fields, you can white-list the fields a particular role can see. For DLS, you can also use the ${} variable in the query, which gets substituted with the authenticated user’s username.
Image: Shutterstock / N K
Published: 2016-08-17
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