Elasticsearch client certificate authentication

Elasticsearch client certificate authentication
By Cliff Stayley
Search Guard supports TLS (Transport Layer Security) by design. We require secured node to node transmission and provide Elasticsearch API over HTTPS. TLS relies on certificates what we have explained in the Introduction to TLS certificates article. Moreover, we have shown a demo of generating certificates with openssl in another post.
The most common use case for TLS is the ability for a client to verify the identity of a web server it connects to. For example, a web browser opening the search-guard.com website verifies if it is really connecting to the Search Guard webpage. The concept may be also used the opposite way - a client certificate can be used to authenticate the client on the server side. This can be especially useful for organisations that have implemented and rely on their own PKI infrastructure.

Client certificate authentication overview

    A client obtains a certificate that is signed with a root certificate authority trusted by the server
    The client owns its private key used to generate the certificate and the certificate that contains the public key
    When the client connects to the server it sends its certificate and some data encrypted with the private key
    The server decrypts data with the public key. This makes sure that client, who has sent a request,  is the owner of the certificate as generating the request required the private key
    The certificate describes its owner (distinguished name) and the server can trust it as it has been signed with a root CA they both trust

Generating client certificate

We start with creating a certificate configuration file describing the client:
[ req ] prompt = no distinguished_name = client
[ client ] commonName = hr_employee countryName = DE organizationName = Demo-SearchGuard organizationalUnitName = demo-cluster stateOrProvinceName = Berlin
Then we create client private key and a certificate signing request with:
openssl req \ -newkey rsa:4096 \ -keyout client_key.pem \ -out client_cert.csr \ -days 365 \ -nodes \ -config client_cert
In the next step, we sign hremployee’s_ request with the private key of the root certificate authority. If you follow the setup shown in this post, you can do it with this command:
openssl x509 \  -req \  -in client_cert.csr \  -CA root-ca.pem \  -CAkey key.pem \  -CAcreateserial \  -out client_cert.pem \  -extfile client_cert \  -days 365
The arguments provided include root certificate (root-ca.pem) and its private key (key.pem). As an output, we get a signed client certificate in a file clientcert.pem_.
When we finish the setup, we will send a request:
    containing a client certificate, stored in clientcert.pem_
    and signed with the client private key stored in clientkey.pem_

Search Guard configuration

Search Guard configuration requires the following changing elasticsearch.yml with:
searchguard.ssl.http.clientauth_mode: OPTIONAL
That allows the Search Guard plugin to fetch the client certificate from the HTTP request. Instead of OPTIONAL, the other possible values are REQUIRE or NONE.
    NONE: Search Guard will not pick up any TLS client certificate from the HTTP request
    OPTIONAL: Search Guard will pick up a TLS client certificate if present
    REQUIRE: Search Guard requires a client TLS certificate. If none is provided, the request will not be accepted
Afterwards, the cluster needs to be restarted.
Next, we will configure an authentication domain that supports client certificate authentication:
clientcert_auth_domain: http_enabled: true transport_enabled: false order: 1 http_authenticator: type: clientcert config: username_attribute: cn #optional, if omitted DN becomes username challenge: false authentication_backend: type: noop
The important setting is the usernameattribute: This defined which part of the distinguished name of the client certificate should be used as the username. For example, we configured the cn_ part of the certificate to denote the username. The distinguished name of our client certificate is:
With the usernameattribute configuration in sgconfig.yml, Search Guard extracts the username from the cn field, so it will be hremployee_ in our example.

Role mapping

We also need to add or modify sgrolesmapping.yml, so that the user will be mapped to a Search Guard role. In our demo, we will map the user to the sgreadall_ role:
sg_readall:  users:    - hr_employee  backendroles:    - ...
Do not forget to reload cluster configuration with the sgadmin CLI tool to apply the changes.


The last thing to do to test the configuration is to request the authinfo endpoint with curl. We will use curl it with --cert and --key options so curl will send the TLS client certificate with the request:
curl -k 'https://localhost:9200/_searchguard/authinfo?pretty'   \    --cert client_cert.pem \    --key client_key.pem
This returns a JSON string with hremployee user’s data and the sgroles we have configured:
{  "user" : "User [name=hr_employee, roles=[], requestedTenant=null]",  "user_name" : "hr_employee",  "user_requested_tenant" : null,  "remote_address" : "[::1]:59110",  "backend_roles" : [ ],  "custom_attribute_names" : [ ],  "sg_roles" : [        "sg_readall"  ], ...

Where to go next

Image: shutterstock / pockygallery
Published: 2019-02-06
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