Kevin and Jessie work at the same company. Kevin has been asked to prepare Kibana dashboards for Jessie. Kevin needs to be able to create and alter dashboards and visualizations while Jessie should be only able to view them. This seems to be an everyday use case, however, at the time of writing Kibana does not implement it out of the box. Fortunately, this is possible thanks to Kibana Multitenancy feature implemented within Search Guard.
Tenant Concept
Kibana stores its objects in a single index which is by default called .kibana. Each Kibana user can access all of the objects. Search Guard introduces the tenant concept. Each tenant is a named container for saved objects. Technically, each tenant becomes a separate index and Search Guard guarantees it's security as separation is done directly in Elasticsearch.
Enabling multitenancy
We start our demo with a fresh installation of ElasticSearch and Kibana, both with Search Guards plugins installed. We load the accounts dataset from the Elasticsearch
tutorial, which contains 1000 sample bank accounts records. Once file is downloaded locally and unpacked, this can be done with the command:
copycurl -H 'Content-Type: application/x-ndjson' -k -u admin:admin -XPOST 'https://<es-host>:9200/bank/account/_bulk?pretty' --data-binary @accounts.json
copymultitenancy_enabled: true
elasticsearch.requestHeadersWhitelist: [ "Authorization", "sgtenant" ]
and sg_config.yml with
copysearchguard.multitenancy.enabled: true
Demo users and roles
We create two roles in sg_roles.yml:
- indices:data/read/get
- indices:data/read/search
sg_account_resources: RW
- indices:data/read/get
- indices:data/read/search
sg_account_resources: RO
This allows both groups to access the bank index and defines a tenant sg_account_resources - a location of Kibana objects. Both groups share the location with different permissions: read-write (RW) and read-only (RO).
We map these roles in sg_roles_mapping.yml:
- sg_account_resources_rw
- sg_account_resources_ro
Then we can add Kevin and Jessie users in sg_internal_users.yml:
hash: $2y$12$JwORr3rXHi4GuB8K6NXOpe1PwdU1m7MiNIERem02/bgcIJMaKDj1K
- kibanauser
- sg_account_resources_rw
hash: $2y$12$JwORr3rXHi4GuB8K6NXOpe1PwdU1m7MiNIERem02/bgcIJMaKDj1K
- kibanauser
- sg_account_resources_ro
Selecting Tenants
When Kevin logs into Kibana, Tenants section is available in menu:
There are three tenants available:
Kevin needs to select a sg_account_resources tenant. Additionally, Search Guard allows to specify a default tenant or give an URL to Kibana which automatically selects the given tenant.
Jessie’s tenants section looks similar but sg_account_resources tenant permissions are restricted to read only:
Tenant permissions
Kevin needs to create a separate index-mapping within a tenant so that he can create a dashboard like the one below. One can see the Save button on the top menu that is available for Kevin.
When Jessie logs in and views the same dashboard, it cannot be modified by her.
Where to go next:
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