Woo Hoo! Thanks to all of you, Search Guard really had a prosperous year 2019! Although a little late, we still want to share the biggest highlights of the past year with you. But first we would like to say a big "Thank you" to the Search Guard Community, the Search Guard Team and our loyal customers. Without you we could not have done it, so thank you for all your input and support. We wish you all the best for 2020!
The Dev team is growing
Working in a very specialized area of IT security, it is not so easy to find the right experts to complement the team. Therefore we are more than happy that we were able to grow the Search Guard development team in almost all areas, including backend devlopment, Kibana development and DevOps. We have also been able to add technical writers to the team who contribute to our blog, documentation and knowledge base.

We have been able to grow the dev team in all areas
With all these additions to the team our build- and release processes have been optimized and streamlined , and
we have also added Signals, our free enterprise alerting solution for Elasticsearch to Search Guard.
Additions to the management
We welcomed
Thomas Mahler as our new Head of Sales & Marketing on board. Thomas has many years of practical experience in leading sales and marketing teams and providing the best possible support to customers.
We could also win
Andreas Riedel as new CEO for floragunn. Andreas has over 25 years of experience in national and international companies in C-Level positions (Schott Glass, Deutsche Telekom, Metro just to name a few). As CEO of floragunn, he will take over responsibilities for strategy, next level organization, legal matters and process management.
Andreas, Thomas: Great to have you on board and we look forward to taking Search Guard to the next level with your help.
Search Guard customer base
The Search Guard customer base has grown tremendously in 2019 and covers all major verticals, such as finance, health care, government, telecommunication and IT security. Search Guard is now used in almost 30 countries worldwide. We have also established new partnerships in the industry, including OEM partners and
cloud providers. We'd like to express our gratitude for your loyalty and trust in Search Guard.
A very event-ful year
We are always looking for chances to spread the word, and 2019 was a very eventful year in many aspects. For example, we promoted Search Guard at the
RSA conference in San Francisco, several Open Source events in
Paris and
Bordeaux, the
InfoSec conference in London, and
IT security events and fairs in Germany.
In addition we took part in many
meetups and
conferences regarding IT security in general, and search related topics in particular. It is always great to be out in the field, meet likeminded people and share new ideas and thoughts.
New look and feel
As you are reading this, you are already looking at our new website with the updated CI. One goal of the website was to provide a single point of information. A single place where you can access all materials regarding Search Guard, like our documentation, blog posts, white papers, FAQs etc. This is now the
Search Guard Resource Hub .
Our special thanks goes to:
It was great working with you, thanks so much for the blood, sweat and tears you have put into this project!
The Search Guard mission 2020
Since we started Search Guard in 2013, our mission has always been to deliver the best Open Source security solution for Elasticsearch possible, and to eliminate the risk of
data breaches due to unsecured Elasticsearch clusters. And we will continue with this mission in 2020, with an even stronger team.

We will continue with our mission in 2020, with an even stronger team.
Signals, our enterprise alerting solution, we have created a strong and solid technical foundation for adding many more features and goodies. Our roadmap for 2020 is pretty packed, but if you want to see a particular feature, please drop us a note on our
Community Forum.
Thanks all for your input and support!
Where to go next
Check out Signals, the free Enteprise Alerting solution for Elasticsearch
Image: Shutterstock /